New Year, New Look, Refocused Purpose

I first started this blog in 2005. I had no focus and no purpose. Let's face it, I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. I posted periodically about random topics (including photos of my cat) and changed the name of the blog at least twice. I've decided to leave those entries here for some sort of comparison to what I do now.

So, where am I now? I'm getting ready to start a new school year with new responsibilities as the school's newspaper adviser. Students will also start an online newspaper and possibly a news magazine. I will also continue advising the yearbook staff and teaching geography to the freshmen (I'll blog for them at MyGeographyNews).

Because I'm now advising the newspaper staff, this blog will focus primarily on the art of blogging, the practice and business of journalism and current news.

This blog has a new look for the new year. I chose Evidens White from I've found myself in a pickle in that I seem to have a preference for popular Wordpress themes, but I am mostly loyal to blogger. Fortunately for me, intrepid designers have decided to port Wordpress themes over to blogger. I like Evidens because it's clean and sports a three-column layout.